思い出のスケッチ #335
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market in Bangkok, Thailand(ダムヌン・サドゥアック水上マーケット)
Simon Kalajdjiev(シモン・カライジエフ、東京都建築士事務所協会千代田支部、株式会社日建設計)

I learned that sometimes the best way to get around Bangkok and avoid the terrible traffic jams is by water bus, or water taxi boats.
In the past the sampan boats were the main means of transport. Farmers and traders used them to bring their goods to the floating markets like those of Damnoen Saduak canals, near Bangkok. When modern roads became more developed most floating markets were abandoned, but Damnoen Saduak market was popularized as a tourist attraction and preserved.
When I visited in January 2019 it was so busy that I got stuck in a traffic jam on the water. I then remembered that I had my sketching pad and the frustrating situation turned in to a perfect opportunity to make a sketch of the market.

Simon Kalajdjiev(シモン・カライジエフ)
1985年 北マケドニアのスコピエに生まれる/2009年キリルアンドメトディウス大学美術学部、スコピエ 北マケドニア卒業/2015年 New Moment Creative Marketing Agency、その後いくつかのNGO、出版、美術教育関連業界に勤務/その他北マケドニア、スウェーデン、トルコ、イタリア、ブルガリアにて多数のエキジビジョン、アートレジデンス参加/2016年より東京の日建設計イラストレーションスタジオで勤務
カテゴリー:歴史と文化 / 都市 / まちなみ / 保存